Eastertide is a term that simply describes the season after Easter. It is traditionally a fifty day period where the church focuses their attention on the themes and accounts of the resurrection. The purpose of this devotional is to help us deepen our understanding of the miracle of the resurrection and what is means to live a resurrected life. We want to allow the reality of the resurrection to sink deeply into our bones and permeate our days far beyond our celebration on Easter Sunday.
This devotional is a collaborative effort from members of the Tempe Church community and the reflections, questions, and invitations are designed to be a gift to readers and the risen Jesus who captures our hearts more each day.
How to use this devotional:
Each week is centered around an aspect of the resurrection. Each week includes five reflections from scripture, a day to prayerfully contemplate the previous week with God, and the opportunity to embrace a day of rest. We encourage you to read at your own pace and feel free to work through multiple devotionals a day or skip a day. Next to each day’s scripture focus, you will find prompts to encourage you to read and sit with the passage in different ways. These prompts are designed to help you listen to scripture more deeply.
Please reach out to us at office@tempechurch.org if you would like to use this resource for more than your personal study.
Are you searching for a deeper, more intimate life with God? At the Tempe Church, we would love to journey alongside you.
We invite you to peruse our website to learn more about our community and reach out by emailing us at office@tempechurch.org if you have any questions!